Briefing – Donington GP

BRIEFING – Donington GP

36 Laps , 144.72 km
43.0+ Liters suggested. Always check with your own driving

4.02 km, ~1.1 Liters per lap

  • No active overtakes until after Turn 8 Right, Coppice, magenta in the map above.
  • The fact that you are allowed to overtake in the chicane on lap 1 does not mean that you have to do it.
    As always, play it safe. We cannot afford a lap 1 incident in the middle of such a huge field of cars.
  • Turn 4 Right, the Old Hairpin (not actually an hairpin now) is very dangerous in a group. Be aware of speed differential with the cars around you.
  • Passing is difficult; be patient when attacking and help the leaders through when being lapped.
  • Please remember that driving off track voluntarily (1x) is strictly prohibited.
    You can receive a time penalty post-race for having too many off-tracks (undisclosed number). There is also an automatic slow down in race if you have too many incident points.
    However, it is easy to get 1x by mistake on this track. We do not aim to penalize errors, and therefore you do not have to worry about 1x here. Just play it fair, and avoid going off-track all the time in the same place.

    Only things to worry about:
    You must keep two tyres on track approaching Turn 1. Do not put 4 wheels in the pitlane
    Avoid getting repeated 1x on the inside of Coppice (T8R). A few are ok, it is a blind corner, but doing it every lap might get you in trouble
  • The pit exit is problematic. Please be extra careful in qualify.
    You may need to adopt two different strategies. Either i) delay your pit exit if a car is close by or ii) exit rapidly and slow down on the outside of T1 or just after it if a car is approaching but not too close.
  • Qualify can be crowded on this track.
    Remember that if you are not on a fast lap you must get out of the way promptly.
    If you already have a quick laptime you are satisfied with, please consider staying in the pits for the rest of the session, to ease traffic congestion.
  • If you get a slow down, serve it on a straight, off the racing line without hindering others. You are not supposed to mantain your position if you get a slow down with a car just behind you.
  • Be careful about the concertina effect braking for the slow corners in the early race. Try to be as smooth as possible, with gradual braking and no sudden changes, but expect to have to slow down a lot, especially later in the field.