Briefing – Watkins Glen Boot – Chicane Cut

BRIEFING – Watkins Glen Boot

27 Laps , 149.85 km
42.0+ Liters suggested. Always check with your own driving

5.55 km, ~1.48 Liters per lap

  • No active overtakes until after the chicane, magenta in the map above.
  • The Glen has a couple of controversial spots where driving off-track can give an advantage. Please play it fair so that we do not have to worry about penalties, and following controversy, after the race.
  • Voluntarily driving off-track to gain an advantage is illegal. Collecting an excessive number of 1x (undisclosed number) or gaining an advantage by driving off-track (typically in Turn 1) shall be penalized after the race.
    Drive naturally and do not worry about track limits. If, however, you keep getting 1x in the same spots, then you need to adjust your driving to avoid them. The idea is not to get an advantage by voluntarily exploiting the track limits. If it happens a few times by mistake it is ok instead. Honor system.
  • Turn 1 Right
    Aim to avoid getting a 1x here, note the following.

This does not give a 1x. Ideally you want to stay more to the right, but this will not be penalized

This is a 1x, but just barely. Getting a few of them by mistake during the race is ok. Getting too many (undisclosed number above 10) may result in a time penalty after the race.

This is a huge off-track resulting in a significant advantage. If it happens by mistake, do not attempt to pass/resist after you have done it. If it happens too many times (undisclosed number below 10) you may receive a penalty after the race

  • Chicane
    We will not monitor the wheels position on the inside entering the chicane. However:
    – causing a crash there after hitting the rail may be penalized with a DQ post-race
    – hitting the rail without causing a crash may result in a time penalty post-race
  • Driving past the white line on exit in other part of the tracks (e.g. Turn 8 Right) is discouraged.
    We ask drivers to avoid doing so if at all possible, but we will not be monitoring it.