Briefing – Detroit

BRIEFING – Detroit

35 Laps , 132.30 km
40+ Liters suggested. Always check with your own driving

3.78 km per lap, ~1.11 Liters

  • No active overtakes until after Turn 2 Left, magenta in the map above.
    The no pass zone is very short and leads into a very dangerous spot. Please be extra careful and let’s see if we can manage this safely.
  • No 3-wide attacks in lap 1, no matter how tempting they can be
  • Be very careful of the concertina effect into the slow corners
  • If you crash/spin and stop behind a blind corner, reset immediately instead of trying to maneuvre. In this way you will avoid crashing out multiple incoming cars.
  • Passing is not easy in most of the track. A couple of corners seem like good opportunities but are more difficult than it seems. Be patient and avoid high risk moves in the early race, when a crash can affect a lot of cars.