Discord – must join
Most league communications and pre- post-race discussions are in discord nowadays.
All drivers must join our server, for instance to receive clarification on track rules or notes about penalties.
Thank you
Failure to join the server may result in removal from the league.
Please join by clicking here https://discord.gg/pAduK2q
New Driver? Welcome !
Welcome to all the new members and thank you for joining us !
It is very important that you familiarize yourself with our rules and philosophy.
Every week you will receive a race briefing via the iRacing message system, usually on Sunday.
There is a section with track specific rules that change every week and must be learnt.
It is very important that you read the information at Race Briefing – General Info (click)
and the links within to League Rules (click) and Information for New Drivers (click)
Thank you for your patience.
Ask in discord if anything is not clear.
Races on Sunday
Donors can join the server at 20:30 Central Europe (1830 GMT during summer time and 1930 GMT during winter time).
Non-Donors can join the server at 21:30 Central Europe (1930 GMT during summer time and 2030 GMT during winter )
Qualify starts at 22:00 Central Europe
Race starts at 22:30 Central Europe
League members can see the start time in their local time zone at:
or in the ‘league sessions’ page of the iRacing UI
Donors can enter the server as soon as it launches, so they are guaranteed a place if the server fills up.
Non-donors must not enter until 1 hour after it has launched.
Messages appear on our discord when the server is open for donors/non donors.
General rules and considerations
We base our approach to racing on the ‘honor system’.
Play it fair; do not try to take advantage of situations; do not try to damage your opponent and everything will be fine.
Failing to do so pushes us to be more and more strict with penalties.
Mistakes happen, it is not a problem, but doing something on purpose is much less tolerated.
We have three basic concepts
– Do not overtake at race start. See each weekly briefing for details.
This is to avoid accidents that can be devastating in a 50+ cars grid.
The goal of the start is to get safely in line and then start racing properly.
Do not try to gain an advantage, for instance by looking inside in the no pass zone or by forcing your opponent on a bad line.
– Race and let race. It is more fun for everyone.
Never block your opponent.
Never take the track away from them. Always leave space for side by side racing.
No dive bombing.
No team games. Treat any opponent in the same way.
– Stay within the track limits, defined by the (usually white) lines.
Going beyond the limits by mistake is not a problem.
Doing so on purpose to gain an advantage will result in penalties.
Honor system, again.
BRIEFING – Montreal
32 Laps , 139.52 km
45.0+ Liters suggested. Always check with your own driving
4.36 km, ~1.36 Liters per lap

- No active overtakes until after Turn 7 Right, magenta in the map above.
No 3-wide for the entire lap 1, as usual, no matter how tempting it might be. - If you get a slow down, you must serve it off the racing line without hindering other cars.
You are supposed to lose a place if you get a slow down with a car just behind you. - Narrow track with no escape routes. If you are stranded in the middle of the track, press the tow button as quickly as possible to get out of the way.
- There will be cars with different wings. Be aware that people might brake well before you do
- Be careful of the concertina effect into the slow corners.
At race start, avoid speed differentials, do not try to be faster or slower than the cars around you; keep a constant gap to the car in front; avoid sudden and abrupt movements. No lane changes, no hard braking. Brake early and gently; early and hard is bad, just like braking late. - Careful on pit exit, do not cause problems to upcoming cars.
Penalties and Safety Points
Post race incident reports and penalties (hopefully none) are communicated in discord.
You can read philosophy and details in this page.
The Last race incident report is at this discord link, only visible to registered members.
Just scroll down to the latest message in the discord channel.
Have a look also at the #race-school-videos section, if you mind.
- Take it easy at race start.
The goal is to get going safely and get in line. You must not attempt to gain places.
Do not try to get a great start on the lights, it is unnecessary risky - No lane change at the start, at least until the first corner and longer if necessary.
Stay in your lane and try to maintain a constant distance from the car in front. No sudden braking, do not drive faster than the cars ahead of you.
If by doing so you pass cars in the other lane, perhaps because they had a slow start, it is fine. However, you must not attempt to outbrake others or take advantage of the situation to gain places
Always go for the safest action. If a car in front of you has a very slow start, it is ok to pass it. - Be careful about the concertina effect braking for slow corners in the early race.
Try to be as smooth as possible, with gradual braking and no sudden changes, but expect to have to slow down a lot, especially later in the field. - No 3-wide attacking for the entire lap 1
- No blocking
- No dive bombing
- If you get a black flag slow down, you must serve it off-line without hindering other cars.
- Please remember that driving off track voluntarily (1x) is strictly prohibited.
You can receive a time penalty post-race for having too many off-tracks (undisclosed number). There is also an automatic slow down in race if you have too many incident points. However, we do not aim to penalize errors. Just play it fair and all will be fine. - Always stay on-track on corner entry. This means that two wheels must always be fully within the track boundaries (usually white line). Exceptions are noted in the weekly briefing. Failure to stay on track on corner entry results in heavy post-race time penalties.
- Any intentional contact is heavily penalized. This includes bump drafting.
- Respect blue flags – which means helping the leaders through, but do not expect lapped cars to immediately pull over
- No unsafe rejoins
- Stay on the racing surface
- No team games, such as giving each other a draft in qualify. Not everyone has a team, let’s make it fair for all.
- No chat in qualify and race, it is welcome in practice sessions
More details in the League Rules page
Every race is broadcast live on Youtube.
Donations are unfortunately needed to cover the cost.
Details on how to donate in our discord and website, thank you for your help !
Every Sunday we get together in discord to watch the race broadcast, starting at midnight Europe, 6pm US East Coast. Join us if you have the time.
Every race of the season in these playlists (click to open):
2025 Season 1 – Youtube Playlist JP Broadcasting
Previuos seasons:
2024 Season 4 – Youtube Playlist JP Broadcasting
2024 Season 3 – Youtube Playlist JPBroadcasting
2024 Season 2 – Youtube Playlist JPBroadcasting
2024 Season 1 – YouTube Playlist JPBroadcasting
2023 Season 4 – YouTube Playlist JPBroadcasting
2023 Season 3 – YouTube Playlist JPBroadcasting
Live video broadcast for this week is below – links are usually available 24 hours prior to the race start