Briefing – Mosport

BRIEFING – Mosport

38 Laps , 150.10 km
42.0+ Liters suggested. Always check with your own driving

3.95 km per lap; ~1.04 Liters per lap

  • No active overtakes until after Turn 5, Moss corner, magenta in the map above.
  • Turn 2 is always dangerous, even more so in lap 1. Cars will still be side by side and forced on unusual lines.
    Cars on the outside often careen off-track, be careful not to push people there.
    Cars on the inside risk to go wide or spin, collecting those alongside.
    Be prepared to navigate it more slowly than usual and give as much space as possible to your competitors
  • Turn 5, the Moss hairpin, is another trouble spot. Be prepared to slow down, a lot, in lap 1. As always, aim to keep a constant distance from the car ahead. Do not try to force a side by side there. There is no room and it is pointless, given the lap 1 no pass zone.A side by side attempt there in lap 1 will be harshly punished post-race.
  • Turn 8 is the best passing spot on the track, but it is also a magnet for netcode issues.
    Give as much room as you can to your opponents, both when passing and defending.
  • No lapping in Turn 2 and Turn 5.
    Lapped cars: give way before or after those corners, it can be done safely.
    Leaders: be patient and careful; the track is difficult and lapped drivers often have less experience and car control. Do not put unnecessary pressure on them; help them avoiding mistakes, instead.
  • Qualify is expected to be problematic.
    If you are not on a fast lap, get out of the way for incoming cars.
    Be very careful exiting the pitlane, you will be on the racing line for Turn 2.
    If you have set a laptime you are happy with, please consider to sit out for the rest of the session instead of going out generating traffic.
  • No 3-wide for the entire lap 1, as usual, no matter how tempting it might be.
  • Team games (e.g. waiting to give/get a draft) in qualify are strictly forbidden. Driving slow during qualify to improve performance on the following lap (lately referred to as brake dragging, even if done without braking) is also strictly forbidden.