Briefing – Virginia International Raceway

BRIEFING – Virginia (Full Course)

28 Laps , 147.28 km
42.0+ Liters suggested. Always check with your own driving.

5.26 km, ~1.4 Liters per lap
  • No active overtakes until after Turn 2 Right, magenta in the map above.
  • However, there is no real passing opportunity until the Oak Tree corner. Be patient and think about getting in line, not about gaining places. Causing an accident in lap 1 might be heavily penalized.
  • The track is narrow, careful when attempting side by side, including lapping
  • No lapping in the middle of the esses. Leave room safetly before turn 7 or after turn 12, Oak tree.
    As a lapped car, avoid slowing down to let one car through and then finding yourself way off-pace in the middle of the line for other incoming cars. It is very dangerous.
  • Passing is not easy and dives can be tempting, avoid them. The track needs patience.